Sunday, December 21, 2008

Still Waiting...

Hello all. It is now 2 pm on Sunday afternoon. Yes, we are still here in Chile waiting for the weather in Antarctica to cooperate with our climbing plans.

We are on hold again till 7 pm this evening when we will receive our next weather update. We realize that this waiting game is trying for everyone involved. Unfortunately, it has become a part of this particular expedition. The waiting game means we never really know whether or not this will be our last night in the hotel, or to go out to dinner, or to do some laundry, or to say our last goodbyes and well-wishes to our families and friends. It is frustrating for everyone for sure.

The important thing for us all to remember is that our safe arrival in Antarctica is the most important thing. Therefore, any delay done in that spirit is both necessary and a good thing in the big picture. Our pilot will have the final say on whether we take off or not. If we were to take off, and then not be able to land at Patriot Hills, it would just mean a long flight right back here for more waiting.

So our thought for today is this. At least we are not stuck on the ice at Patriot Hills waiting for the weather to clear. Right now, there is a plane load of climbers and adventurers whom are also waiting for our plane to fly. We´re pretty sure that they are not as comfortable as we are right now....

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