Bill called today and reported that they all made the move up to High Camp today. It was a long, hard day of climbing through fairly tricky terrain, so they will probably take a rest day tomorrow. The forecast is for windy weather, which is factoring into their decision making. I expect they will still get up and poke their heads out to see what the weather is like, before they make a final decision tomorrow.
High camp is tucked in next to the ridge dropping off the summit plateau and bordered to the east by a large drift of snow, so it is a bit more protected from the wind than the old camp in the saddle between Mounts Vinson and Shinn. Everyone did well and they have a well fortified camp.
Weather forecasting is relatively new for Vinson climbers. In the past we just poked our heads out of the tent and looked around to gauge what the weather might do. The forecasting has been really quite accurate and while we won't let it determine our decision making, it will definitely factor into it.
The climb up to the summit starts out with a long hike across the summit plateau. This takes two or more hours and while the climbers can see the top of the mountain in the distance, it seems as if it does not get much closer during the course of the hike.
Finally, they get to a point below the summit where it finally feels attainable and they can regroup together and take a break on some wind scoured rocks. There is a moderate climb up some 25 degree snow fields which leads to the summit ridge. A couple of exposed, tricky moves gain the ridge proper, and then it is a spectacular walk with 1,000 feet of exposure to your right and a gradual slope off to your left until you are standing on the highest point in Antarctica.
Hopefully, the crew will have this experience tomorrow or the next day! Stay warm down there, and best of luck.